Interview with Shaman Spirits Oy Ltd : Manufactures high-quality alcohol products

Shaman Spirits Oy Ltd by Business News Japan

Shaman Spirits was founded in 1998 and began distilling soon at the turn of the century. From the beginning the main vision was to be a boutique-like distillery which is known for its product quality.

Shaman Spirits Ltd is a Finnish company that manufactures high-quality alcohol products. Quality is based on the cleanest water in the world. Other raw materials in the products include real berries, tar, salmiak (salty licorice) and coffee. For example, the 0.7-liter blueberry (bilberry) vodka contains almost 400 grams of real, hand- picked blueberries.

In the interview shared below, we gain insights into the company products with a fresh perspective on the values and qualities producer is looking for in the production journey.

Q. Describe Your new product?

A. Hello readers! My name is Anu Hirvelä and I work at Shaman Spirits Ltd as Marketing and Sales Manager.

Last year we launched a new brand under which we produce vodka and liqueurs. This year, we are looking for partners that will help people around the world enjoy our wonderful products. The basic values ​​of our company are: nature, authenticity and cleanliness. These three factors are also the basis in all our products. We believe that Japanese people will easily relate to these elements.

At Shaman’s we are proud of the great success at Japan Awards 2022! I hope that we can find a Japanese distributor with whom we can get our products to the Japanese market as well.

This company has recently been awarded Four Gold Medal Awards and Silver Medal Award in JAPAN Awards 2022 competition:

Shaman’s Vodka Black Label 40,00%

Awarded Gold by Business News Japan

Shaman’s Vodka Lingonberry 35,50%

Awarded Gold by Business News Japan

Shaman’s Vodka Redcurrant 35,50%

Awarded Gold by Business News Japan

Shaman’s Vodka Billberry 35,50%

Awarded Gold by Business News Japan

Shaman’s Vodka Espresso 35,50%

Awarded Silver by Business News Japan

Company Details :


Tehtaantie 5 91800 Tyrnävä Finland
Phone Number : +358 10 271 2770
Email :

Mika Lähteenmäki

Anu Hirvelä
Marketing Manager/Markkinointipäällikkö

Website : Shaman Spirits | The Booze Factory