Savignola Paolina : Produce Authentic and Elegant Wines

Savignola Paolina : Produce Authentic and Elegant Wines by Business News Japan

Savignola Paolina is a small boutique winery nestled in the heart of the Chianti Classico region of Italy. Since 1780, wines have been produced on the hills of this farm, and the traditions of centuries of wine making are evident in the authentic and elegant wines that today’s Savignola produces. Their attention to detail and their commitment to quality make their wines stand out from the crowd.

DFJ VINHOS SA recently participated in the JAPAN Wines & Spirits Awards 2021 and won GOLD Medal Award and SILVER Medal Award in this prestigious competition:

360° Gran Selezione Chianti Classico docg 2016

Awarded Gold by Business News Japan

Granaio igt 2018

Awarded Silver by Business News Japan

Interview of JAPAN Awards to Mr. Luzius CaviezelOwner

Question 1: Do you already export to JAPAN ? If yes, where ? If no, what type of importers & distributors are you looking for in JAPAN ?

Answer : Savignola does not export to Japan at this time. A shop or distributor best suited for our wines would be one that specializes in small production boutique wineries and excellent wines.

Question 2: What is the most unique and qualitative part of your products, different from competitors ? 

Answer : The wines at Savignola are made following the strict rules of the Chianti Classico Consortium, but our experienced professionals have elevated these wines with a richness and elegance that satisfies the international palate without losing the essence of the authentic Chianti Classico profile.

Question 3: When did you start to export your brand worldwide, and what is your development plan for the next years ?

Answer : While Savignola has been exporting wines for decades, in the last 20 years we have established a solid market in the US and in Switzerland. Recently we have begun to expand our North American presence into Canada as well as Northern Europe. We would be thrilled to bring our wines into the Asian market as well, specifically Japan and Singapore.

Thank you Mr. Luzius Caviezel for your time and answers !

Importers & Distributors looking for High Quality wines ? To know more about Savignola Paolina products please visit their website :